Skygofree Skygofree

  • First known sample

  • Discovery

  • Number of targets

  • Current status

  • Type

    Cyberespionage toolkit
  • Targeted platforms

    Android , Windows
  • TOP targeted countries


More about the Skygofree malware, its targets and capabilities

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  • The way of propagation

  • Purpose/Functions

  • Special features

    Skygofree includes functionality never seen in the wild before, such as location-based audio recording through infected devices. The spyware is spread through web pages mimicking leading mobile network operators.

  • Artefacts/Attribution

    Given the many artifacts we discovered in the malware code, as well as infrastructure analysis, we are pretty confident that the developer of the Skygofree implants is an Italian IT company that works on surveillance solutions, just like HackingTeam. Please find more information here. Please find IOC here.

  • Description

    A type of Android spyware first discovered in 2017 primarily targeting victims in Italy. Spread through fake landing pages that mimic those of mobile operators, this malware possesses the ability to record audio surroundings, steal WhatsApp messages via Accessibility Services, and connect an infected device to Wi-Fi networks controlled by cybercriminals.

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